Lighting Bugs

Last night as the sun fell behind the horizon Emma was ready to catch lighting bugs.  I found a mason jar and of course punched holes in the top.  It was truly a delight to watching her run through the yard.  She was dressed in her night gown, flip flops and a sock monkey hat (yes, a sock monkey hat that we purchased earlier in the day and she fell in love with it. Even as I write this on Saturday morning she is sitting with her new favorite hat on her head).  The sight of her running through the yard after the fire flies made my heart sing.

Catching fire files isn't as easy as I remember but all at once we both began laughing at the sight of the two of us running through the yard.  Laughing at one another, laughing at the lighting bugs that seem to be out smarting us and simply laughing because we were enjoying the simplicity of the night. 

In the midst of our fast paced, scheduled filled world how often do we really sit back and enjoy the simplicity that surrounds us?  How often do we laugh until our belly hurts or smile until our face hurts?  More importantly how often do you take the time to just enjoy our family and the moments we share?  

I am so thankful for the sight of Emma running through the yard with her night gown blowing in the breeze, her flip flops flopping on the ground and sock monkey hat bobbing up and down with each step.  

What are you thankful for on this day?  What simple and yet profound joy and laughter have you experienced today?  Last night reminded me of the days of my sisters and I running through the yard while my parents sat on the back porch (more like landing from our kitchen door) all of us laughing and enjoying the long joyful days of summer.


  1. Larry and I had a lovely dinner at the Old Mill Restaurant in Pigeon Forge. Afterwards, we walked the banks of the river, stopped to feed the Mallards and Susies, and watched as a mama Susie herded her seven young ducklings into a mud puddle. Then, we strolled the trail around Liberty Park and enjoyed the cool night air. Just me and Larry, holding hands and chatting. Looking at children riding bicycles, families enjoying bonfires in the adjacent campgrounds, and an older gentleman paused in front of a Patriot Missile on display at the entrance to the park. I was, for that hour or so, simply enjoying my life, the man I love, and the people who are my brothers and sisters on this earth.


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