
Various neutral colors fading together yet standing alone
Unrelenting wind
Dust covering you from head to toe
Moving toward something that cannot be fully seen

The idea of being stranded in the desert or in the wilderness is bone-chilling.  There is nothing inside of us that longs to be dropped into a place of isolation, a place where we cannot see or find a direct path back to the comforts of our lives, or a place that leaves us covered with a film of dust and feeling as though we will never be clean again.  Yet in the days before us, we find ourselves on the cusp of a journey that leads us in the direct path just a place.

It is a place that takes me out of my comfort zone.
It is a place filled with unseen dangers.
It is a place that I do not want to be.
It is a place that leaves me exhausted.
It is a place that exposes my deepest fears.
It is a place in which I can choose to retreat into myself or choose to be in conversation with the very         one who created me.
It is a place where my sense of self and ego are pushed to the very limits.

It is a place that I want to resist. 

It is a place of finding a renewed sense of identity.
It is a place that leads to a greater reliance upon the One who knows every hair on my head.
It is a place where new beginnings are shaped.
It is a place where isolation bends the horizon and forms a deep sense of belonging.
It is a place in which God's spirit guides us to the center of our existence.
It is a place of sacredness. 

It is the wilderness. 

Jesus stepped from the comforting waters of baptism into the wideness of the desert/wilderness.  A 40 journey filled with exhaustion, heartache, confusion yet confirmation and affirmation of a new identity.

I want to resist the wilderness.

The exhaustion, heartache, soul searching is daunting. 

Yet it is the wilderness that leads to a new identity and a deeper affirmation of who I have been created to be. It confirms the mystery and vastness of God's own spirit enveloping me in ways that I cannot fully comprehend.  I do not want to go and yet I step into the season of Lent with a willingness to sit with myself, rely on the one who breathed in life in me and trust that journey will lead me to the center of God's wholeness.

The wilderness is both dangerous and sacred. 

{Perhaps you are already in the wilderness wondering what your place is in the world, desperately holding onto your self-inflated ego believing that you are the one that can save yourself.  Perhaps your soul feels empty and lost and you are willing to take hold of anything that promises to fill the hunger.  Maybe just maybe you feel so isolated that you wonder if anyone else sees you or notices the trauma that lives within you that has drained you of a willingness to keep walking.  If you are already in the wilderness you are not alone. Jesus reminds us that in the wilderness that is sacred, holy one walking with us and over these forty days we will find our ways to one another.}


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