
Showing posts from 2025


It was an unexpected interweaving of lives.   It wasn't chosen (at first) it unfolded because of the circumstances of a particular season of our lives.   We shared commonalities.  Our daughters ages put them in the same class.  We are close in age.  We stood in the same life stage. We were beginning again. Before I knew it wasn't just about the commonalities that drew us together.  Conversations weren't merely about the jobs that we held, they held personal stories, questions of the world, and dissatisfaction about theological and political teachings.  Time together was held in beautiful embraces that sustained us in moments of challenging situations.  Birthday cakes were made to help pull off surprises. Cards were sent at times of sorrow and celebration. Hugs were given when only a moment could be spared. A deep understanding of my particular weekend schedule was held in honor as plans were made and meals were shared.  Laughter has...


Two stone pillars line the drive; reaching high into the sky as if beckoning you forward.   As you enter, questions that have lingered beneath the surface come bubbling up.  The whisper of will I fit in, will I belong catches in your stomach There is a table with wooden chips, markers, and plastic string.  You make your name tag, survey the crowd, share a handshake in trepidation, and begin the small talk.  Staff members flit around the circles that have formed trying to calm the growing nerves.   Schedules are announced, you make your bunk bed, you settle in, and try to find your people.  Training begins, the nerves calm and relationships slowly unfold. Staff pairings are announced, team bonding experiences are had, and the work of setting up your camp overtakes all of the nerves. Sunday arrives, you dawn your summer staff shirt and you stand before campers as an official Mountain TOP Summer staffer.  You begin leading campers from small rur...