Turn left in 3.3 miles
Turn right in 1.7 miles.
Mind the s-curve
The next turn is in 2.5 miles
Turn right in 4.8 miles
Two lane highways
County Roads
Green street signs
Stop signs, yield signs
Your destination is in 12. 2 miles
This past week we spent time in North Georgia, where we launched from our home base each morning with a different walk in mind. Our directions were filled with quick turns on two-lane county roads that kept us with our eyes peeled to the next direction on our GPS. Every once in a while I'd laugh because our directions would include a 5-11 mile stretch of highway that gave us a break and provided mental space to sit back and take in the scenery.
The scenery was a combination of beautiful pine trees encompassing one of the many lakes in the area and tall oaks that would stretch out on the mountainside before us. The week was filled with walking in the woods, moments of comforted silence together, laughter over something silly, and of course plenty of dad-jokes. We didn't mind the short turns or the long distances we drove for each walk in the woods because each road drew us into an experience we would not have otherwise experienced.
So often we become frustrated with the small turns in life. The short distances that require more of us. We want our schedules to settle down (hint: we do have control over our schedule but do not set the boundaries we want for ourselves and our children because we are too afraid of missing out or disappointing others but that's another blog for another time), we want to get to the root of that which is causing our health issue. We become frustrated with all the ways that our children need us and depend on us. We want to climb the institutional ladder in order to make more money and gain more recognition. We hate all the short turns, we want to find peace in our lives.
Here's the thing about all those short turns, they lead down driveways where hospitality is waiting to welcome us in, food is prepared, and conversation that isn't merely about the weather but about how it is within our souls and depths of our lives. The short turns lead us to a place where the colors of the sunset stretch across beautiful green fields where cows are lazily grazing, a slight breeze is blowing, and a friendship that was laid forth 29 years ago blooms in a new way. The short turns lead us to destinations where the coffee is flowing as freely as the conversation held between two college buddies who have encouraged and stood with one another as children were born, spirituality was formed, careers were launched and a few more gray hairs dawned our heads.
Maybe you're frustrated at work, family life is rushed, the expectations feel too overwhelming and your desire is one of peace and calm, may you find the goodness in the short turns that are before you. May the roads lead you to find the divine spirit of God connecting you to someone that will ask how it is with your soul. May the road reconnect you a bit of walking alongside someone for whom you haven't seen in years but grew something in you that is longing to bloom once again. Take the time to relish the destination that are before you.
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