Today it happened.

It happened because of tough conversations. 
It happened through brokenness.
It happened despite our human frailties.
Hope was held.

It began in the murky waters of the Jordon.
It made room for the sinners and the saints, the haves and have nots.
It took shape in the breaking of the bread.
It came to life as dawn gave way to the resurrection. 
Love was present.

It happened today.
Each person seen....each person valued.....each person whole.
It happened today.
The work is just beginning.
It happened today.
Revival is ours for the taking.

It happened today.

Today, almost 26 years after I knelt at altar of my ordination my denomination has allowed the murky waters of the river Jordon to flow over them and held onto to Jesus in a way that we have not dared to do before.  Today with a 93% approval we removed exclusive language that kept the doors of ordination shut to our siblings who openly professed their 'homosexuality."  Today in what felt like a blink of an eye, the over 700 delegates from around the world said yes to having the scales removed from our eyes so that might truly see one another as divine beings living together in this part of the kingdom.

Today, my daughter has the freedom to ask me to perform her wedding with the knowledge that she is not asking me to set my pastoral call aside. Today, she can ask me to stand with her (if she chooses) on the altar and proclaim that she and her partner are now joined together in the covenant of marriage.  Today, when I affirm individuals within my community of faith I am able to cross the threshold and walk with them through all moments of life; from baptism through marriage and even ordination.

Today, those who have found their home in space where questions  can bubble up and spiritual formation can take root within the home away from home that  our Wesley Foundations provide , felt the wet grass beneath them at worship while attending camp, had their hearts strangely warmed and now understand their life's purpose is one of being a vessel to make disciples for the transformation of the world can now say pursue that anointing without hiding in the darkness of an isolated closet. Today, I will no longer have to watch as the next generation of leaders wrestle with who they are and accept their calling only to be told they are not enough.  

Today we were called forth like Lazarus to drop our grave clothes. 
Today God's holiness has called our names and began unwinding the chains that we have placed the necks of our siblings.
Today we begin the work of restoring relationships.

Today it happened.
Hope was held.
Love was known.
The stone was rolled away.

Today it happened.



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