
Yesterday morning the sky was bright.
We stood together.
Banter and excitement moved through the crowd.
A rainbow of t-shirts proudly displaying the names of United Methodist Churches were all around.
Signs of love were firmly held in the hands of those waiting.
A sense of unification swept among us.

Sunshine turned to an eerie dark cloud.
We had to seek shelter.
Waiting became the theme.
Doors opened from a local hotel where hospitality and shelter were graciously provided to at least 100 strangers.

The immediate danger passed but the rain lingered.
We gathered again, this time wondering if we would get to show our support.
A band started playing and their music enveloped our spirits.
Dancing in the streets and banners raised high took over the crowd.
Slowly the rain lifted and the walking began.

I heard the cheers.
I waved with thankfulness.
I watched as many in the crowd stared at the names of our churches displayed across our shirts then quickly glanced at the banners that proclaimed all are welcome and their unease turned to tears pooling in their eyes. 
I looked over at those for whom I am called their Shepherd and felt joy that I had the privilege of walking alongside them at this moment.  That I had been given the privilege of being part of their family and their tribe, that I was among those with whom they trusted.

I looked out over the sea of rainbows that comprised our city street and wept because I  knew I was standing on holy ground. At that moment, as the rain finally lifted I could not help but think of the rainbow that God set before Noah and his family as a covenant that God would never leave them.  The symbolism of a rainbow reminds us that new beginnings are a daily offering.  That there is hope to be found and healing to take place.  Rainbows are a phenomenon that are caused by reflection, refraction, and dispersion of light in water droplets resulting in a spectrum of light.

As tears filled my eyes and a holy presence filled my soul all I could see was a beautiful sea of people reflecting who they were created to be, the pure refraction of God's love passing through each being to create a ray of light and hope for this often dark world. Today each person created a true rainbow of God's holiness, goodness, and likeness.

We walked together.
Together as a crowd, a ray of light gave way to a beautiful reflection of God's wholeness and holiness.
In the midst of the rainbow of people, God's kingdom was seen.

Rainbows bring healing.
Rainbows bring hope.
Rainbows signal new beginnings.
Rainbows offer a new way.

Let us walk in such a way that we notice every rainbow before us. Let us walk in such a way that we notice every human being before us as a reflection of God's holiness.


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