I remember the first time I ever went rappelling. It was both terrifying and exhilarating. The first step is tricky because everything in your being is telling you that you shouldn't be hanging off a cliff backward, leaning perpendicular to the cliff. Then there is a part of you whispering, give this a try; go ahead and step off the cliff. You stand there with palms sweating, heart racing and your mind willing you trust the ropes that have been strategically and methodically placed.
Letting go and trusting propels you off the side of the cliff into the glorious adventure of swinging out into the open air, watching the ropes bend to bring you back to the rock where when you trust the process your feet land just right and you get to pause and look around at the beauty that is before you. Each time that you swing out and release a bit of the rope, you find that trusting comes a bit easier. Every time your feet hit the rock you gain confidence in your abilities.
Anyone that desires a deep abiding change in their life must find themselves standing on the edge with every bone in their body screaming you shouldn't do this. The voices begin to scream you cannot do this because you aren't worthy enough, you will never accomplish this because you are lazy, you do not deserve this. There is also the part of the heart and soul that longs for transformation that looks around and has to not just say but believe, I am going to trust this process, I am fully worth it. You have to begin to trust that you can accomplish that which you have set out to do. You have to believe and trust that you do deserve all the joy and love that this life can offer. This magnetic pull requires you to step off the ledge and trust that the one that is your 'belayer' {the one holding the rope at the bottom and has the ability to catch you when and if you fall}.
Today as we made our way back to our sweet mountain, I thought about how hard it must be for Emma to stand on the ledge and simple trust. I can not fully imagine the courage she has felt in leaning back and taking that first step off the cliff. She is learning to trust the guidance of those in her care team. Every day she will have to learn to trust that she is not just good enough but that she is worthy enough to make this transformation. She will work every moment on learning to trust that she can accomplish all that she desires. She will kick off the mountain each morning and my hope is that she will pause to see the glory that surrounds her and hopefully find her footing and release a bit more of her rope. Emma will have to trust each of her 'belayer's on a daily basis, trusting that if she were to fall that they will catch her before she hits the ground. Each day will bring an opportunity to not just find her footing but to release a bit more of the rope and trust a bit deeper.
We too have leaned back and taken a step to experience this journey.
Letting go and trusting propels you off the side of the cliff into the glorious adventure of swinging out into the open air, watching the ropes bend to bring you back to the rock where when you trust the process your feet land just right and you get to pause and look around at the beauty that is before you. Each time that you swing out and release a bit of the rope, you find that trusting comes a bit easier. Every time your feet hit the rock you gain confidence in your abilities.
Anyone that desires a deep abiding change in their life must find themselves standing on the edge with every bone in their body screaming you shouldn't do this. The voices begin to scream you cannot do this because you aren't worthy enough, you will never accomplish this because you are lazy, you do not deserve this. There is also the part of the heart and soul that longs for transformation that looks around and has to not just say but believe, I am going to trust this process, I am fully worth it. You have to begin to trust that you can accomplish that which you have set out to do. You have to believe and trust that you do deserve all the joy and love that this life can offer. This magnetic pull requires you to step off the ledge and trust that the one that is your 'belayer' {the one holding the rope at the bottom and has the ability to catch you when and if you fall}.
Today as we made our way back to our sweet mountain, I thought about how hard it must be for Emma to stand on the ledge and simple trust. I can not fully imagine the courage she has felt in leaning back and taking that first step off the cliff. She is learning to trust the guidance of those in her care team. Every day she will have to learn to trust that she is not just good enough but that she is worthy enough to make this transformation. She will work every moment on learning to trust that she can accomplish all that she desires. She will kick off the mountain each morning and my hope is that she will pause to see the glory that surrounds her and hopefully find her footing and release a bit more of her rope. Emma will have to trust each of her 'belayer's on a daily basis, trusting that if she were to fall that they will catch her before she hits the ground. Each day will bring an opportunity to not just find her footing but to release a bit more of the rope and trust a bit deeper.
We too have leaned back and taken a step to experience this journey.
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