The everyday

Have you ever had a day where all you could do was to keep moving through the task that were before you?  

Have you ever wondered if those days are ever going to lead you to the place where you truly long to be?

Today as we began climbing our way out of the city of Cana where Jesus performed his first miracle of changing the water into wine the sun was already high above us. The steep climb out of the city led us to a summit that overlooked another village sitting high upon another hill.  It is true that 'a city on a hill cannot be hidden' because when each summit allow you span the horizon to see the next village rising out of the hill.

After we made the summit of Cana, we began to drop into the valley to step upon the Roman Road.  We quickly began stepping upon rock after rock.  Rocks of all sizes and shapes and simply making our way on the road.  There were moments when the rise was steep and we walked slow and steady but honestly the majority of the trail today was in the flatland of the valley. 

The more we walked today, the more I thought about how we had come all this way and what were we doing; just walking along a dirt road, filled with rocks and olive groves (with workers beginning the hard work of harvesting).  There wasn't anything spectacular about our scenery; don't get me wrong it was still breathtaking at moments but for the most part it was just the everyday stuff.

As the day unfolded, I thought deeply about how each of us must travel the road of the everyday.  There are moments in each of our jorueny's that are long and wearisome, leaving us wondering if we accomplished anything at all and if the task moved us forward on any level.  It seems that most of us want a miracle, some breath-taking, oversized sign that God is not just among us but in and with us.  Today though, I was remind that it is in traveling the everyday,mundane that glory,compassion and mercy are held.

Along the way today, we shared one another's burdens. Literally.  We took things out of one backpack to put them in another so that someone's shoulder wouldn't be hurting.  Another fell and we helped bandage the cut.  We held hiking poles when someone was getting something from their pack.  We shared water along the way so that all would be hydrated.  We each walked at our own pace never rushing or shaming the other for the journey that they were traveling.

In the middle of the ordinary the gifts of Jesus were given to one another.  In the ordinary we sat upon rocks reflecting upon Saul's journey to Damascus in which he saw a great light.  In the ordinary we moved a few steps closer to the glory of holiness.  In the ordinary we moved one step closer to our utlimate goal.

Are you in the midst of an ordinary, ho-hum day?  If you are, be encouraged because not everyday holds the wonder of a miracle but it does hold the wonder of compassion and mercy.  If you are stuck in the task of the day; take care for others will come alongside you.  If you think that your life isn't headed anywhere; remember that with each step you are on the road leading to a new beginning.

Orindinary brings holiness.


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