I haven't been here in awhile and yet there is a pull to return and so today is the day! I guess I write for my own well being and the ability to hold on to the good more than anything else.

As we arrived at Camp she was actually standing there waiting and watching for us. It was a priceless moment because in the years past she has not been waiting for us. She did not see us until we got off the van!
This summer's theme is "Fruit of the Spirit'. Emma immediately took us inside to tell us about the 'fruits' she had received during Spirit Line. One night they gathered together and everyone made a line and had to literally cheer on the person that wasn't included in the line. E's peers chose joy, kindness and faithfulness to describe her. It was as though she was beaming from having those words thrust upon her.

I guess I'm writing to simply remember the good.
It all makes me wonder what fruit I am producing for God's glory.
I am writing because I want to remember to be the 'Spirit Line' for those who have not found their place. I want to be the one that finds the good in someone else and proclaims that for them.
I want to an example of loyalty for E as she walks through this world.
Thank you Holy One for allowing us to connect to you! Thank you for producing fruit in us even we are not aware. Thank you for being the Spirit Line of encouragement for us when the world seems so dark. Thank you for words of anointing spoken over children.
I am just doing some catching up and first, I want to say, I am SO thankful you are writing again. Yes, write for yourself, and don't stop. That is the whole point (always has been for me). If it touches others, fine, and if not, you have a record of what you are thinking and feeling and longing for and laughing and crying over! Second, it is so funny I happened on this tonight - when we left the fish fry tonight, I hugged Emma, and she just held on tight and said, "I don't want you to gooooo!" I squeezed her and kissed her and said, "Emma, you know we will be back, and you KNOW where we are, and we will always be here, and you can call or write or whatever ANYtime you want!" I was thinking on the way home, how sweet she was to hold on so tightly, but then I read your post, and realized how true that word is about her - loyal. And how yes, she does need people to be loyal to her. We promise, we will!