A full bucket
We've been here on the mountain for a month now and what a ride it has been. About 20 people worked together spending countless hours preparing our house for our arrival. The community honored us by an afternoon open-house to welcome us into the family. Four members arrived at our doorstep the first morning to welcome us with a house plant and a gift card to the local grocery story. Numerous members worked together at ten o'clock at night trying to get us back into our house after we locked ourselves out (partly because we didn't have a working key to the backdoor. Now within the last 8 days we've been filled with moments that have made us feel like we are part of the family. Last Sunday we joined a group for lunch at Pappa Ron's where we laughed and spent time getting to know our church family. Tuesday we spent time picking blueberries at one of our member's homes. It wasn't anything fancy...we simply went out and picked blueberries. The Br...