Pictures, songs and candles
Today millions of Americans will gather to celebrate and remember the presence of God entering the world in flesh and bones. Tensions will rise as families rush to iron clothes and make their way to church on time. Wiggles will be had as children sit in the pews. Pictures will be taken so that others believe our lives are full of joy. Our favorite songs will be sung, words of hope and love will be spoken and candles will be lit. As the candles are extinguished we will return home to tables of abundance and gifts under the tree. When light dawns tomorrow there will be a rush to unwrap the gifts laid under the Christmas tree. By nightfall, the joy has decreased, and the world's reality has begun to creep back into our very existence. As people who believe that our Savior came into the world as the light in the darkness, love in the midst of hatred, and the unifier when division pervades the situation. I wonder when the songs that we sing will permeate o...