Forty Hour Week
In my dad's truck, the radio was turned up and he'd be blasting out words to the likes of Eric Clapton, Alabama, The Eagles, and Johnny Cash. As a teenager, I despised having to listen to his music but the words seem to bury themselves deep within my being because as an adult I can still hear the words waffling up from the unknown places within my brain. The words of Alabama's 'Forty Hour Week' have been floating around in my head for months now as if on a broken record. If you don't know the song, they give homage to all those living behind the scenes making our world turn. The truck drivers alone in their long haul, the men and women standing on the floor in a factory working to meet their quota, steelworkers who walk in the clouds, those driving a hammer and a nail in extreme temperatures and so many others who tirelessly do the work of keeping our daily lives moving forward. For many of our forty-hour workers, their work is dependent upon punching a tim...