Perfectionism and prayer
I have always been involved in a community of faith. The connection through the gathered community has been a grounding force in my life for as long as I can remember. From a kid who loved being part of my local youth, to becoming a college student who was instrumental in developing and leading a college small group bible study gathered life has been formative in who I am and who I believe God to be. Sandwiched in between those moments of the gathered community was the underlying message that the art and gift of prayer would lead us to a closer life to Jesus. Prayer would calm all of our fears. Prayer would lead us to our future mate. Prayer would uncover the moments of insecurity and lead us to assurance. Prayer would heal our loved ones. Prayer would provide that beautiful family that we so desperately desired. Prayer would alleviate the anxiousness flowing deep within our minds and soul. Prayer would protect our children. Prayer would protect our children from harm....