
Showing posts from November, 2015


This morning as I was driving off the mountain I punched the seek button on my radio because there was literally nothing playing worth listening to.  It paused on an early morning 'message' from one of the local Christian radio stations.  I must confess; I listen to radio preachers.  it is like that wreck that is so awful that we cannot turn keep from staring at the carnage that lie on the side the road.  This morning was one of those I cannot stop listening because of the carnage that will be left in the wake of what was being proclaimed. The radio pastor was using the story of David and Bathsheba to talk about the validity of God's punishment upon us.  For those of you who might not know the story I'll provide you with the cliff-note version.  David, the very one that God chose to be king at a very young age oversteps his bounds and orders a man killed because he wants his wife.  Yes, David orders an innocent man murdered because he wants what is n...