
Showing posts from September, 2015


Tonight was breathtaking. Lately I have felt as though I'm not doing a very good job at any of the titles that fall upon my shoulders as a pastor.  My title encompasses being a shepherd (tending and caring for the people in my flock), administrator (giving oversight and order to the life of the church), preacher (having to bring a message of hope and resurrection each and every Sunday at a specific time), leader (giving guidance and clarity to situations), and teacher (creating learning environments and facilitating so persons can dig deep into their questions of faith).  It's been difficult to keep all of those titles moving in the same direction as a vision is cast and purpose is lived out. I have felt flat and ineffective. As the summer rushed to an end and the fall ministry calendar began unfolding I wrestled with what to teach for our Wednesday Night Bible Study.  Finally, with time pressing upon me I made a choice but that choice lacked confidence or convictio...