Teaching Steps
The sun is bright. The birds are chirping. Music is being played for a Bar Mitzvah behind the wall. I climb the steps and look out over the south portion of the city. The great wall sits directly behind me. To my left I can see the white washed hillside of the Jewish Cemetery. In front of me I can see the house of Caiaphas, where Jesus was taken after his arrest. I sit upon the steps. These aren't just any steps they are known to be the steps that Jesus sat upon and taught his disciples. In our faith tradition they are known as the Teaching Steps I sat there thinking of all the people that might have climbed the steps and entered the city through the gates that I sat under. Jesus' firmness and yet gentleness as he spoke came streaming through the steps that I was sitting upon. The life that he was offering was being lifted up for me to come and drink from. As I sat there this morning I was overwhelmed by all that God has entrusted into...