Almost here
The sun rose and was sitting perfectly in between the trees. The trail was muddy and squishy. The water was flowing with swiftness and the streaming under the bridges and over the ledges. The sounds were pure. The branches were climbing out of the tree trunks that held them with such deep roots. Branches that seemed to be reaching as high as they could to catch some of the sun's glorious rays. The evergreens will filled with a dew ever so slightly that caught the morning rays ever so gently holding a shine that lured your eye to their presence. The spider's webs were sticky. This morning it was as if everything was caught somewhere between almost here and not just yet. It was as if there was a presence of new life was just waiting to rise up from the ground and spring forth across the branches. It was as if every step that I took this morning revealed a world that was ready to explode with a sense of transformation....and yet it simply isn't time yet for t...