
Rocks are interesting. We spend time and energy moving them out of our yard, to create a smooth path for mowing. We see the smallest rocks hitting our windshields and within a blink of our eye our glass is shattering in every direction. Rocks become the metaphor for the areas in our lives that cause us to trip and fall. For most of us the thought of rocks is something that causes sorrow and pain to rise within us. This morning as I was out hiking a trail I have hiked several times before I began to notice all the rocks that were along the path. There were the rocks that were just small enough, sticking up just enough to cause you to trip if you weren't paying attention. I began thinking about all the moments in my life that even when I am paying attention I seem to loose my balance. I lose my balance in just being present. I become so preoccupied with the business of leading that I forget that relationships always trump paperwork. ...