Today I awoke a bit early so that I could sit in the silence of the morning. Today is a day of celebration! It may sound silly but we have a tradition in our home that we set aside a day at the end of each summer to mark the beginning of something new. Every year we take the opportunity to spend an entire day together as a family. The day is set aside to do one thing, celebrate!! Yes we celebrate the goodness that we've had over the summer but more importantly we celebrate the beginning of another year of school. The beginning of school is seen as an opportunity to remind us to be open to learning and exploring in ways that we have not experienced before. It's the opportunity to open ourselves to new relationships and take a stand for the things that we hold dear. It is also a day of celebrating E in all the things that she has accomplished in the past year. I'm not talking about the 'things or the awards' but who she is becoming. Yes, today...